Lipizzan Horses

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This vibrant piece of artwork, featuring two dynamic equines known as Royal Lipizzan Horses, brings to life a significant chapter in Sarasota County's cultural history. The brightly colored depiction showcases the horses in mid-leap, capturing their grace and agility. Painted against a background of bold blue, purple, green, and yellow hues, the artwork suggests a sense of energy and movement. The Royal Lipizzan Horses hold a special place in Sarasota's heart, as they are closely linked to the region's storied connection with the internationally renowned Herrmann's Royal Lipizzan Stallions, which began performing in the area in the mid-20th century.

Sarasota County has long been a winter home for these magnificent equines, rooted in the tradition of classical dressage, brought to the region by the Herrmann family. The painting not only celebrates the aesthetic beauty of the horses but also pays homage to their historical significance and contribution to the area's cultural fabric. The Royal Lipizzan Horses performances became a symbol of Sarasota's rich artistic heritage, attracting visitors worldwide and fostering a deep appreciation for this unique aspect of equine artistry. Through its dynamic composition and vibrant colors, the artwork serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Royal Lipizzan Horses in Sarasota County's history.


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Anita Wexler

Anita Wexler has her BFA from Parsons New School of Design and her art education cortication from Bank Street College, both in NYC; she also has her M.Ed in Education. She is currently a teacher at Sarasota High School.

Anita has had her artwork shown locally, nationally, internationally and published in numerous magazines; such as Numinous, Art Ascent and Healers and many more. She appeared on HGTV's Isn't That Clever and Crafters Coast to Coast. Wexler's art has made their way into the hands of many collectors including: William Wegman and Jane Seymour.

She continues to experiment, grow and challenge herself as an artist. & Instagram: @artbyanitawexler

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Child Protection Center

Child Protection Center

The Child Protection Center’s (CPC) mission is the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse, as the organization envisions a community where children are safe from abuse and free to thrive. For over 45 years, CPC has been serving Sarasota and DeSoto Counties in the State of Florida and is accredited by the National Children’s Alliance. For more information on CPC or to inquire about ways to get involved, please visit them at or call 941-365-1277.